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  • Ivan Chow

What makes a good sermon introduction?

Updated: Sep 18, 2019

First impressions matter.

Within the first few seconds of listening to a presentation, the audience will make up their minds about whether the presentation is worth listening to.

In a day and age where we are flooded at work or play with engaging, well-presented, high-quality multi-media content, attention has to be vied for and a good sermon introduction to draw in the listener is essential.

Yet, this is an area where many of us preachers struggle with.

Does this sound familiar to you? It is late Saturday night. The main body and the applications have already been written and practiced. All that is needed is a killer starter paragraph to arrest interest.

BUT, the children, movies and current affairs barrel has already been scrapped dry.

You’re desperate.

It looks like you might have to start with “[Stale, recycled joke] + [awkward, abrupt segue into] today’s topics is ABC. Please look with me at Vs 1...”

When you've run out of options, where do you begin? How do you start?

In this module, we look at what the purpose of a sermon introduction is and suggest a few practical tips on how to get the job done...well!

Ivan is an Elder-Pastor at Bethesda Church Bukit Arang. He's suffering now but knows glory is near. He supports Liverpool and has 7 kids.

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